2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
The Latest Episode!Jan, 31, 2025: Opus One. If your mother (or grandma or maybe your great-grandmother) was a Bobby-soxer in the 1940s, she probably danced to this song. It was a hit on the radio for Tommy Dorsey in late 1944, and an even bigger smash the following year for singer Anita O’Day, recording it with a band fronted by drummer Gene Krupa with the legendary Roy Eldridge on trumpet. In the Floodisphere,we’ve found that “Opus One” is wonderful way to warm up for an evening of tunes. |
Like an audio diary, some 700 episodes of The Flood's weekly podcast, called "Jam Logs," have been shared online since the first installment in December 2008.
Here is a browseable archives of all the episodes to date, enabling you to listen to our goldie-oldies...
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Amounting to more than 30 hours of music, it's all free! Well, free-ish. You do have to pay a little ear tax with your patience, since your listening requires you endure Charlie starting ... Every .... Single ... Episode ... With .... THE SAME DAMN WORDS: "Hey there! It's Charlie Bowen with The 1937 Flood....!" Bless his heart. Sooner or later, though, if you listen to enough of them, you'll figure out how to fiddle with the slider and slip right past his opener.
(In addition to all that audio, the following pages also include dozens of Video Extras, that is, videos shot at about the same time as the associated podcasts, either "at home" with the Flood or at a contemporary performance. For a deeper dive into the videos, see our Video Index page.)
Here's an overview of the years of this audio diary:
2008: The idea for the weekly podcasts began
with Sam St. Clair. Early in the year, Sam noted that the price of good digital recorders had come down dramatically, and he thought we should buy one and have it running during the weekly rehearsals, just … you know … in case somebody might commit some art.
2009: The big development of year was that Jacob Scarr, our youngest Floodster ever, officially joined the band in March 2009. Jacob had been sitting in with us for a year a more. He was already good enough to be a Floodster then, but we weren't sure that, at 14, he would retain his interest. When he turned 16 and was still showing up each each week, we enthusiastically asked him to make it official. He would stay with the band until he left for college in the summer of 2011.
2010 saw the weekly gatherings at the Bowens' house evolve from simple rehearsals into weekly jam sessions encompassing more and more visitors, some playing, some just on hand to listen. In fact, the pre-Thanksgiving session found 27 people(!) in the room, from as far away as New York and Washington and as near as around the block. Spice the evening with the baggie of kazoos -- the happy instrument Flood kazoo guru Dave Peyton calls "the West Virginia saxophone" -- and you have one of the jolliest podcasts of the year.
2011: For much of the year, The Flood was focused on the band's old comrade and co-founder Roger Samples and on the start of what would be Rog's five-year battle with cancer. At the end of 2010, doctors in Lexinton, Ky., found a cancer in his trachea; the situation was grave -- the cancer was aggressive
-- but the doctors were preparing him and the family for a fight, with chemo therapy to start in late January. As soon as the word got around, Roger's friends and family started gathering to give what support they could.
2012: The best news of the year was the first news of the year: that Randy Hamilton joined the band. His beautiful accoustic/electric bass now became the solid, reliable heartbeat of The Flood, and his wonderful voice started bringing new vocal power to our harmonies and leads.
2013 was a year of losses. Nancy McClellan -- who with her husband Harvey, had been so central to the band since its beginning -- died in October. George Walker, who produced The Flood's second and third CDs, died in May.
2014 saw The Flood check off another item of its bucket list: Taking part in a a full-fledged stage production. Marshall University director Nicole Perrone made it all possible when she invited The
Flood to perform nightly for a week as the warmup band for a Marshall production of "The Adventiures of Tom Sawyer."
2015: Endings and beginnings. Joe Dobbs, one of the founding members of The Flood, passed away after 40 years with the band. One of his last recommendation is that we coax the great Paul Martin to join us. Joe was pleased that we were successful in that effort.
2016: Another item on our bucket list -- the recording of a "live, in concert" album -- was finally achieved in 2016. Joe would have loved it! It was one of our fiddlin' friend's favorite comment that the band he co-founded 40+ years ago always sounded better at parties and concerts than it did in rehearsals and in studios. “It helps that everybody’s a ham,” Joe would say with a smile. Well, that and the kazoos... But the year was not without its sadness: One of our co-founders -- our dear friend Roger Samples -- died at 66, ending his five-year battle with cancer.
2017: The Next Big Thing for The Flood came in 2017 when we became the house band for a new monthly music variety show called Route 60 Saturday Night.
2018: The new project in 2018 was the launch of Flood Films, short and feature-length videos starring the band as well as friends who have sat in with us over the years.
2019: The big news of the year came at the end, when Paul Callicoat joined us as our new bassist. Also, enhancements to the online Flood Experience were pursued in 2019, inclduing creation of the new online Fakebook
and the opening of the Stories portal in the Time Machine section of the website.
2020: We're were saddened to have to say farewell to Flood founder David Peyton, who died in September at age 76 at his beloved Mount Union Road home in Huntington. On a happier note, we said hello to our new Floodster, 20-year-old jazz saxophonist Vanessa Coffman. We also saw the release of our of 7th CD, the Paul Martin-engineered all-instrumental album called "Speechless." (Yeah, we still get quite a charge out of ourselves...)
2021: Reunions and departures were major themes of the year. Nearly 20 years after she first met the band and became its beloved "Chick Singer," Michelle Lewis performed her last show as a regular member of The Flood before moving away from the Mountain State to head off and to join her fiancé, Rich, who lives in Loveland, Ohio, just northeast of Cincinnati. Meanwhile, bassist/vocalist Randy Hamilton returned to the band after a 15-month hiatus. That happy event came after Randy dropped by to sit in with us at a public jam in Ashland, Ky., and we persuaded him to rejoin his Flood mates.
2022: Coming out of the COVID pandemic, 2022 found us at last unmasked again and returning — slowly but surely — to make the scene at public venues. And we brought with us a new sound because of an exciting new band mate: The marvelous guitarist Danny Cox of Ironton, Ohio.
2023: Said hello to new band mate Jack Nuckols, the Flood's first-ever percussionist. We also said our sad farewells to Floodsters Doug Chaffin and Chuck Romine.
2024: Began a year-long celebration of the band's semicentennial with shows, parties and the beginning of its biggest project yet: a documentary film.
Note: Over the years, a number of guests -- visitors and returning Flood alumni -- sit in with us at rehearsals, jam sessions and performances. See our Guest Registry page for details.